The ring is brand new. It's got damn heavy, but real silver freaks love heavy rings.
YesterdayI was still in my goldsmith's workshop and today the ring is on my finger. A high quality, heavy, (RING SIZE 20) 48 gram 925 sterling silver ring
If a human figure is drawn in the pentagram, the head at the top stands for the spirit that rules over the elements and strives to create harmony. The pentagram, which is often used as a protective symbol, is assigned to the Segirah "Gewurah".
Gewurah, the fifth Sefirah in the tree of life, means power, strength or power and is an active, limiting principle and among other things has the function of protection and justice and symbolizes magical power. The symbol of the pentagram is also used in connection with the Qabbalistic, name (Jeheschuah). This is also called the pentagrammaton.
It comes from the ancient Hebrew name of God (YHWH), the so-called Tetragrammaton, and was expanded to include the (Shin). Each letter is assigned to a tip of the pentgram. The shin stands for the symbol of the spirit element.
Pentagram comes from the Greek and can be translated as „five lines“. It is made up of pente „five“ and gramma „lines“.
Other names of the five-pointed or five-pointed star are pentalpha, five-star, Drudenfuss or Alfenfuss, pentacle and Pythagorean sign.
The term pentacle is used when the pentagram is enclosed in a circle, e.g. B. as a symbol for amulets or as a magical tool of the earth element.
In ancient Greece the pentagram was called the pentalpha, the symbol can be divided into five alphas (A).
Pentagram - the real meaning of magical symbols and symbols in occultism.
The pentgram is one of the oldest signs of humanity.
An early use is in Mesopotamia as early as 300 B.C.E. verifiable and noted as „UB“ in cuneiform.
At that time the pentagram probably symbolized the many cardinal points and the „above“
Jewish coins and clay jugs from the 5th century B.C.E. are provided with pentagrams.
In ancient times, this symbol was used by Pythagoras because its line geometry corresponds to the golden ratio and represents harmony and perfection.
The pentagram in the Western Western Mysteries. The pentagram is after Heinrich Cornelius Agrippe von Nettesheim‘s book. “De occulta Philosphia” a symbol of the microcosm, that is, of the small world.
This means the person. According to the occult view, man is an image of the macrocosm, the great world, i.e. the universe. And was created in the image of God, which is expressed in the Bible passage from Genesis 1; 26-27: Man was created in the image of God.
In the mysteries the pentagram symbolizes the rule of the spirit over matter, which is why it is a symbol of the magician or magic.
If a human figure is drawn in the pentagram, the head at the top stands for the spirit that rules over the elements and strives to create harmony. The pentagram, which is often used as a protective symbol, is assigned to the Segirah „Gewurah“.
Gewurah, the fifth Sefirah in the tree of life, means power, strength or power and is an active, limiting principle and among other things has the function of protection and justice and symbolizes magical power. The symbol of the pentagram is also used in connection with the Qabbalistic, name (Jeheschuah). This is also called the pentagrammaton.
It comes from the ancient Hebrew name of God (YHWH), the so-called Tetragrammaton, and was expanded to include the (Shin). Each letter is assigned to a tip of the pentgram. The shin stands for the symbol of the spirit element.
Hansruedi, short HR, Giger was born on February 5, 1940 in Chur. From 1962 he studied architecture and industrial design at the University of Applied Arts in Zurich. The Swiss artist became known worldwide with his "Alien" designs for the eponymous film by Ridley Scott. In 1980 he got the Oscar for visual effects.
In the film sector, he succeeded in addition to the "alien" trilogy about also with his character to "species". Record covers by Giger have been awarded several times, including those for Debbie Harry ("Koo Koo") and Emerson, Lake and Palmer ("Brain Salad Surgery").
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